November 3, 2008

C'est L'Halloween!

Well I must say, my Halloween wasn't very extravagant this year. There were no lavish parties to attend, creative costumes to be made or tempting candy to hand out. Mike didn't get home from school on Friday till about 8, so we headed out after that. We went downtown and ate at the Old Spaghetti Factory (you would think after working there, I wouldn't want to eat there ever again, but I really like it) and then drove around downtown checking out all the costumes people were wearing. We then headed to Whyte Ave (basically a very popular street in Edmonton where most of its bars/clubs are located) to check out the scene. It was CRAZY!!!! There were people EVERYWHERE! We had to drive really carefully because people would just dash out in front of the car and there was tons o'traffic. It was rather entertaining I must say. We had one guy, dressed as Hitler, run out in the middle of the street to our car and demand that we do a "Hie Hitler" to him...Ummm "I DON'T THINK SO". He looked pretty serious about it but luckily the light turned green. He must of had one too many beverages that night if you know what I mean. On our way home, Mike commented "I'm so glad we live the life we do"...I thought it was cute.
Saturday wasn't too eventful. It included a trip to the grocery store, a trip to Costco and then a stint of baking. I tried to make my very first pie crust. See Mike is a HUGE PIE LOVER!!! He would eat pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it were possible. So I told him that I would bake him a pie...his face lit up like a Christmas tree, and I then proceeded to ask him what kind he would like. Well, you would have thought I'd asked him how to solve world peace because this decision probably took just as long. He then said he wanted banana cream...soo off I went to the kitchen. The crust went ok, but the filling and meringue top took FOREVER!! I swore I would never make a pie again!!....in my little temper tantrum of a moment. With that news I'm sure Mike questioned whether or not he should stay married to me or not!! jk ;)
It turned out ok, don't think it was the best recipe (that's right, I'm blaming it on the recipe). Sunday, we went to church, and yet again refrained from pulling all of our hair out from our time spent in the nursery. Mike and I were called as Nursery leaders a little over a month ago. My initial reaction "What did I do to deserve this?!?! I go from early morning seminary teacher to nursery?" (just being honest) and Mike's attitude, was "No biggie, how hard can it be"? Well let's just say after our first Sunday in our new calling, he was POOPED!!!!! I believe he took a 2 hour nap to recooperate! The kids are actually a lot of fun though and we do now enjoy our calling. I actually look forward to seeing them every Sunday. This past Sunday we had 11 kiddies between the two of us so it wasn't too bad. We had a compulsive "pants pull downer" this week. He just didn't want to keep his pants on..and can you blame him? Who doesn't enjoy a little fresh air now and again? It was rather funny. Anywho, so this was our Halloween weekend in a nutshell. and thus commences a new week of work. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY (note the sarcasm) ;)


Kara said...

HONEY I think that is the hardest type of pie you can make! Silly girl my fave is costcos pumpkin pie!

Becky said...

Haha - pie - that is so Mike. I'm proud of you for trying one of the hardest pies to make - don't be so hard on yourself. You are awesome.

Nursery eh? Good practice... ;-)

Becky said...

And thanks for your sweet comments. :-)

Suz said...

You're such a domestic godess!! Halloween is pretty crazy around here and I'm surprised that you ventured out to Whyte Ave...never a dull moment around there. lol Let's make pies together one day...I've been wanting to make coconut cream or pumpkin. And nursery...you're so patient!!

Unknown said...

Katie you are such a great writer. I love reading yor posts. Our weekend wasn't much more exciting, the best part was that we were together.