November 7, 2008


Okay, not really but I was so surprised/excited today I really could have! Plus now I have your attention!!! hee hee I just got back from the best surprise ever!!! (other than being proposed too) ;) Mike asked me last night if I wanted to go out for lunch with him today. With his hectic school schedule and my lunch hour being at a different time than his, this is a very rare occurance. I phoned him around 12:10 today, asking him where he was (as he was 10 mins late) and he said he was almost here and that he would be here in two minutes. Two minutes later my receptionist phones to let me know "Mike" is here so off I go into the elevator down to the main reception to go greet my hubby for our lunch date. When I get there it wasn't Mike, it was two of my bestest friends, Linda (www.thescottishlass.blogspot.com)and Laura!!!

They had driven up from Calgary (3 hour drive) to come to Edmonton for the day and thought that they would surprise me at work...and let me tell you, I was so super dee duper surprised! (again, not enough to pee my pants though, you'll have to work harder next time girls) It took me awhile to process that it was actually THEM standing there with their wee little babies (Elle 8 months belonging to Laura and Laurie 3 1/2 months belonging to Linda). I was so ecstatic. You see, when I moved to Edmonton a little over a year ago, Mike and I had to leave a group of wonderful friends behind. We make trips down to Calgary every so often, but it just isn't the same as living in the same city. It was a really hard adjustment for me at first becuase I was so close to these friends (the firehouse gang is what we called ourselves)and we used to hang out practically every weekend. Now moving here, I had to start over, start fresh and make new friends. I cherish our friendship and know that we will all be friends for life. Thanks for making the trek Laura, Linda, Elle and Laurie. You made my day. I'm walking on sunshine! Love you to Reeses Pieces!....and good one honey, I'm not sure if I should be happy that you're such a good fibber ;)


Jen said...

Katie Poo, that is so sweet that they came up! You are the best. Love you!!!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet of them Katie! I bet it was such a treat to visit with them.