November 24, 2008

Siskel and Katie give it Two Thumbs Up!

So on Friday I went to see Twilight with some great girls! My review would be 8/10. At first, I wasn't quite sure about this Edward character..he just wasn't what I had expected him to look like, but by the end of the movie I was hooked. I thought he was grrrrrrrreat and really quite nice to look at as well. I won't go into too much detail as I don't want to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet (even though technically you know what happens!! ;) I loved the bunch of 16 year olds who were behind us while walking out of the movie theatre. Their thoughts.."like oh my gosh, that was the best movie ever"! "I know, I totally cried". "I'm totally going to go see it like ten times, I loved it". You know, sometimes I wish I was that age again...then I could get away with putting Twilight posters in my room ;) Although I don't miss the part where I then have to wait for my Mom to come pick my up from the movies.

Tomorrow night my friend Megan and I are going to see CARRIE UNDERWOOD!!! I can't wait. I wish my old roomies Callie and Christin could be there too. We used to watch her faithfully when she was on American Idol and she was our fav from the getgo that season. I'll be thinking of you ladies when I'm singing my heart out.


Suz said...

I had a great time with you at the movies!! A bunch of ladies at work were talking smack about the movie...ripping it apart, but I thought it was good. Why do ppl have to be so negative!! :) Looking forward to Carrie tomorrow night too.

Kara said...

I love Carrie! (how ever my little brother is IN LOVE with her! teenage boys seriously-) I did not like edward I think there must be something wrong with me! Emmit on the other hand!

Christin said...

I'm glad that Carrie reminds you of us! I was just thinking that as I read this. Lucky you, thanks for representing us there!