November 6, 2008

Not so Much Canada's Next Top Model

I work in downtown Edmonton

and the building I work in is right above a pretty big mall. So a couple of months ago as I was leaving work, a gentleman approached me and said that he's seen me around (I've seen him around as well as he actually works on the same floor as I do)and that he "liked my look", and was wondering if I would be interested in being in the mall's Christmas campaign. He said that it would be a two hour committment and that it would pay $200 in mall gift certifcates. He handed me his business card and said to get ahold of him if I would be interested. All the while, Mike is watching this "encounter" go down from the car and was starting to get a wee bit antsy thinking that this guy was hitting on me. So I proceeded to the car and filled him in on what really went down. He was so excited for me, I think he even shouted "that's my wife"! I, on the other hand, didn't initially share his enthusiasm. My first reaction was, I can't do this! I've never done anything like this in my life! and Why exactly would I want my face to be all over the mall...where I WORK to say the least!...although $200 to spend all on myself did sound rather appealing. That them there is a heck of alotta money for us starvin' students! So I decided I would do it. It might turn out to be a fun experience right?? Until...I received the email that said I would have to send him all of my measurements and weight! EGAT! It took me almost being married a YEAR to tell my HUSBAND that info let alone a complete stranger, but alas, I would have to tell them so they could pick out clothes that actually fit me! I think I cringed the entire time I had to type out THAT email.
The day of the photoshoot came and I wasn't allowed to put any product in my hair or put on any makeup (all keeping in mind, the photo shoot was happening during my lunch hour and I had to work beforehand). I did sneak in a little foundation and mascara. I didn't want to completely scare off my new co-workers! I got to work only to find out that that afternoon (directly after my photo shoot) there was a huge department meeting for like 3 hours that I had forgotten about. You might be saying..so, what's the big deal? The big deal is that my co workers would have seen me in the morning with no make up on, no hair did and then for the meeting I would be ALL dolled up with fake lashes and bright red lipstick and my hair would now have oodles amounts of volume and be curly! I can just hear what they are saying "look at the new girl, trying so hard, geesh, it's just a meeting". Ahhhh!!
Well off I went to the photoshoot. Getting my make up and hair done was a lot of fun. The acutal photoshoot was really awkward. I had to "be friends with my sweater", "love my sweater" etc. He made me jump around to losen up, sing "doo, doo, doo" while he took pictures. I couldn't wait for it to be over. They gave me my moola and off I went to my meeting. Needless to say I made a quick stop to the bathroom, tamed my hair, wiped off my eye shadow and bright red lips and changed my clothes. I actually only had one person come up to me and ask me why I was all dolled up so it wasn't as bad as I thought. Spending the money was the best part!
Here's how the photo shoot turned out:

It was fun but don't think I'll be trying out for Canada's Next Top Model anytime soon!


Suz said...

You look fabulous!! You're a natural!!

Tara James said...

You look gorgeous. Great job...

Tahnee said...

I have to say that I am shocked by any means. I say... "it's about time someone was gutsy enough to approach you to be their next model!" The only thing that shocks me about this is that they only gave you 200 bucks. Now.. that is in no way a chinsy amount of money, but you are worth loads more than that! Go Katie!!! (sniff, sniff... so proud!)

Kara said...

Seriously you rock! You just don't want to be famous I understand!

Kyrsten said...

I bet Mike is so proud of his trophy wife. Way to go hot stuff. I always told you you were gorgeous. I would have done it for $200 as well. Love you!

Katie Ryan (Osmer) said...

You ladies are too kind (your cheques are in the mail) ;)

Miller time said...

I can see it now. Katie Ryan (America's) next top model. You look hott (with 2 t's).

Christin said...

Oh my goodness you are Canada's next top model!

Unknown said...

you and all your sisters could totally model!! you look so gorgeous!! you should try out for CNTM!

Cathy Duffy said...

Hey! the picture looks awesome. you look great! I'm not surprised that someone finally approached you...all the guys in London thought you were "totally hot!" It was fun reading your blog :)