October 22, 2008

EGAT! I've been Tagged!!!

I am: not wanting to be at work right now...and I am also not being very productive since I am completing this while at work!

I have: 3 sisters and 2 brothers (Liz, Emily, Hannah, Adam and Isaac)

I Think: about my crazy Lady Grandma who passed away over a year ago quite a bit. She wasn't really crazy.....we just called her that because, well, she definitely was not your typical grandmother. I'll have to fill you in another time.

I Know: that it is going to be one FLIPPIN cold winter here in Edmonton.

I Want: a new wardrobe!

I Dislike: peas. Apparently as a baby, it was one of the few solid foods that I LOVED...must've ate a bit too much.

I Miss: my niece Sydney and nephew Blake. I haven't seen them in what feels like forever...and now there is a new nephew, Grant, that I haven't even met.

I Fear: snakes! Hate em! Loathe them! Not too sure what I would do if I ever came into contact with one.

I Feel: tired. I even got 8 hours of sleep.

I Smell: Office air. Mmmmm... pretty neutral smell actually.

I Crave: right now?? Considering it's 9:30 in the morning I could go for a Pumpkin Spice Creme Frappucino from Starbucks. It's my new temptation.

I Cry: quite a bit when it's that "time of the month". I remember that once a commerical for Kitty Litter made me teary eyed...and I hate cats!! Go figure.

I Usually: bite my nails...but quit it cold turkey a little over a month ago and they're so long!! I so proud.

I Search: for my passions/talents. I think something is wrong with me because I honestly don't have any hobbies or things I just absolutely love to do. Who would have known that at the tender age of 28, I'm still trying to figure out who I am.

I Wonder: When I'll get pregnant! WHAT?? HUH?...you heard correctly...we're trying!

I Regret: not having a better self esteem when I was younger. I stayed in relationships that were no good, and going nowhere, for too long. I wish I would have realized what I deserved a lot sooner...but at least I got it right eventually.

I Love: how Mike plays with my hair every night right before we fall asleep. I found out that he used to do that with his Mom when he was little, so I guess he's just used to it.

I Care: about my family. I always wonder how they're doing....REALLY doing!

I Always: watch the Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights. I find it to be such an inspirational and motivating show. Much to Mike's dismay, I also am a faithful "The Hills" watcher. I don't know why I like it..but I do.

I Worry: about the most random things. My mom was a worrier, my sister is a worrier, and it looks like I am too.

I Am Not: very patient. It is definitely something I need to work on.

I Remember: when I got into the wrong car one day after school and there was a frightened old man staring back at me. I swear, it looked like my Grandma's car...just a different coloured interior.

I Believe: that people can change.

I Dance: when I'm home alone. I'll turn up my music and dance all over the house. Let me tell ya, I can cut a mean rug!

I Sing: in the car. I don't care if it looks like I am talking to myself, I love to sing.

I Don't Always: floss my teeth.

I Argue: with myself a lot. I have a knack for always thinkig negatively about myself. I'm trying to be better...but it's hard. No it's not. Yes it is..oh geesh, see there I go again. ;)

I Write: in my journal less ofen than I should. I'll be so good for awhile...and then months will go by with no updates. It's so bad right now that I haven't even finished telling my whole engagement/wedding story and I've almost been married for 2 years!!!

I Win: at Rummikub most of the time.

I Lose: my patience for people too quickly.

I Wish: that i was a conductor. Now that you've stopped laughing, it's true. I pretend I am all the time (when I'm by myself of course). I would love to be a conductor for a large orchestra. I would have a sweet conductor's stick too!

I Listen: to my Ipod every morning on my way to work. I just love music so much, I would listen to it 24/7 if I could.

I Don't Understand: why people bully. I hate this more than anything. I even contemplated breaking up a fight I witnessed while walking on my lunch break awhile ago. Three guys were beating up on one...and it made me so upset. I tried to get someone to break it up but nobody would. Eventually they stopped and I pretty much cried for the duration of my walk.

I Can Usually Be Found: at least once a night, sleeping in a really weird position. I sit indian style and then just put my head down so I'm basically in a ball. I've been doing it ever since I was a little kid. If you ask, I'll demonstrate! ;) Mike was pretty weirded out when we were first married.

I Need: to be better at doing the little things I know I should be doing. I need to be better at remembering the important things in life.

I Forget: conversations. I'm the worst when it comes to relaying information.

p.s. YOuR TURN!!!!! a tee-hee-hee


Tara James said...

You kill me!! You are so funny, thats going to make me laugh all day thank you. I am having a blah day and needed a laugh. I love love love the biggest loser too. It is one of the only shows I have to watch each week. I hurry home from young womens. You will be the best mom, I cant wait for you to be prego...

Kyrsten said...

I am surprised I wasn't in that "I miss" catagory. As for the sleeping position...I now have a visual burned in my mind, and it won't come out. Love your guts