October 3, 2008

Show ME, or I should say, show US the Money!!!

So I just had to boast and brag a little bit here. Mike just found out yesterday that he was awarded a scholarship that he applied for. He got such great marks last year (3.8 GPA) that they felt he deserved it...and I'm glad because I think so too. I'm just so proud of him. He was so hesitant in going back to school last year as the last time was over 10 years ago, and he always thought he just wasn't a "school" person. Little did he know. He is studying to be a Landscape Architect and has completed 1 year so far (1 down, three to go). He absolutely LOVES it and has definitely found his passion. Unfortunately he can't finish his degree at his current school so we'll either be moving to Guelph Ontario, Idaho or Utah next summmer. These are our only options as there is only 1 school in all of Canada that has his program and then the universities in Utah and Idaho will accept his full two years of credits so he won't have to retake any classes. It is kind of exciting not knowing where we'll be a year from now. Can you believe that it will be my 6th time moving to a new place? Shoot...and I'm not even an army wife!!! I have lived in Connecticut, Toronto, Provo Utah, Calgary, and now Edmonton. As weird as it sounds, I have loved moving and living in different places. I have met some amazing people in the process (you know who you are) and wouldn't trade it for anything. If I had stayed in my home town of Windsor Ontario, I wouldn't have met my hubby and for that I'll be eternally grateful.


Kara said...

YEAH!! That's Awesome!!

Gingerlylizzy said...

Updates... I LOVE updates! Keep them coming!

Gingerlylizzy said...
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Heather Walker said...

Congrats! How exciting for you. My vote is for University of Idaho... Then I will have a friend/family there. And then maybe we can get Dave and Liz up there too!

Andrea said...

YAY!! I'm so happy I can keep up with you! I vote for UTAH!! Does my vote count? Yeah, ok good!

Unknown said...

hey Katie
If you move to Guelph will you please be my nanny when I go back to work next year (we're only 20 mins away)? I know you don't do that anymore...but thought I would throw it out there.
Congrats on all the wonderful things in your life!!

Jen said...

Congrats to Mike! Way to go. :) And forget Heather trying to get you up in Idaho - its Utah where you guys belong. :)

Anonymous said...

Idaho has some pretty awesome people that have lived there! I've lived all over as well and cherish each....congrats!!

Glad to see you on here!


Sis Melis