September 28, 2008

Let me Explain

So if any of you are wondering why my blog is entitled "The Ninja's Wife" let me explain. Growing up, Mike was heavily into martial arts. He even attended a special school in Ohio where he trained in ninjitsu. I like to think of him as my own personal, but younger and way hotter version of, Mr Miagi (you know, "Danielson!", "Wax on, wax off"). There is a great comfort in knowing your hubby can kill people with his pinky finger (ok, I might be exaggerating just a bit) but it definitely doesn't come in handy when we try to wrestle. I am usually on the ground in some sort of choke hold, swallowing my own arm and am not able to breathe in about 15 seconds, but that never stops me from trying. Our friends once coined him as the Ninja, and...well... it stuck. I remember when we were dating and he decided to put his ninja skills to use. I was sitting in my living room, watching tv, by myself watiing for him to come over. I wasn't quite sure what was taking him so long. Mike took this opportunity to scare me...which he tends to do a lot because he always gets such a great reaction out of me. I am quite the screamer! While I was waiting for him, Mike scaled the wall of the house I was living in up to the second floor, where he found an open door. He crept downstairs and hid in a closet by my basement suite door. In the meantime, I had text him asking him what was taking him so long and asked him where he was. This was his text back..."I'm aleady here, come find me". So off I go into the dark house to attempt to find him. My pulse was racing as I knew I was going to be scared...and then he jumps out of the closet and scares the CRAP out of me. I screamed, of course, and then proceeded to punch him. hahaha. I think he may have been the one who wet his pants because he was laughing so hard. He was so proud of himself (although I must admit, pride aside, he got me pretty good). So thus commences my life of "walking on egg shells" and always having to look over my shoulder. It does keep things pretty interesting around here though, I must admit!


Tara James said...

I miss you so much. I was reading your thing laughing and remembering how much fun we had working together. I love the pictures. Your wedding pictures are gorgeous and so are you no fair how pretty you are. Well keep up the post, its great to hear from you.

Kristin Kimble Purles said...

Good to know. I was wondering about that!

Miller time said...

Yeah, I had no idea that you had a blog. keep updating so we can snoop at eachothers lives. Also woundering when are you moving to zion?

Christin said...

I was wondering about that! Thanks for explaining! Sounds like you are really happy which make me really happy. I always knew that your Eternal Companion was in Canada!

Becky said...

Haha. That is so Mike!!! Hey, I love the title of your blog, it made me laugh as soon as I saw it. I'm going to keep up with you too. Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm really excited about the move. Eeeeek, it's really real now - resignation turned in, and announced to the world.